Alright, for my first recipe since I've been back I wanted to share something really tasty with y'all. I wanted it to be something that I would be able to eat for leftovers as well, and I'm trying to get in tons of fruits and veggies this week. I might have over-indulged a little when I was home in Texas. Either that or la bebe moved a TV into my womb, and not the lightweight flat screen kind, if you get my drift. So, tonight for dinner I made a really tasty squash recipe that my father made while I was staying with them. He doesn't cook much, but when he does it's usually pretty good. I think it might help that it's home grown squash! Yum!
My parents live out in the country. The sticks, the boonies, BFE, if you want to get inappropriate about it, and my father has a decent sized garden that provides them with a large amount and variety of fresh, organic fruits and veggies. Who needs a farmer's market?! They also have chickens that lay eggs, I'm a bit jealous, but we won't get into that.
Butternut? |
My father kindly sent me home with a bag of various squash. I'm pretty sure you can use any type of squash for this recipe, but I used (what I think) was a butternut squash. Perhaps the father can chime in with a comment about the type, after seeing a picture. I also changed the recipe up a little, using plain breadcrumbs instead of panko, and using butter spray instead of regular butter. I also did something a little crazy and out there, I used goat cheese instead of parmesan. Okay, I guess if you know my obsessive love of goat cheese that's really not too unimaginable and crazy, coming from me. My Grammy also said that she usually uses cornmeal, so you could also go by that variation.
Papa's Squash Recipe makes 2 servings
1 small to medium butternut squash
1 egg
small amount of flour
1 cup of breadcrumbs
Cheese of choice, for sprinkling
salt for taste

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with butter flavored cooking spray.
First I arranged my 3 bowls for the breading. One bowl with the egg, whisked, one bowl with the flour, and one bowl with the breadcrumbs. You could use whatever type of seasoning you want in the crumbs, I went simply with salt.
Wash and peel the squash. Cut into rounds. One at a time (or really however you want to do it) dip a round into the flour, dust off all excess, then dip into the egg, then dip into the bread crumbs, completely covering. Place all the rounds on the baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes. Take out of the oven, sprinkle your cheese of choice onto the tops of the squash rounds, then place back in the oven for another 15 minutes.
Before going into the oven! |
Halfway done, getting their cheese! |
When these come out of the oven they will be crispy on the outside, tender and sweet on the inside, and the goat cheese I used provided a delicious tanginess. I paired this with some mushroom ravioli with garlic salt and fresh cracked black pepper. It also is great with pork chops or chicken. I texted the man and told him I was sad he wasn't here to enjoy it, as it was probably the best thing I've cooked in a long time!
The pictures aren't showing up for some reason...but just upon description I can tell I would LOVE this. :) ['Squash' it to me!]