I have really just discovered the incredible that is squash. I'm not sure what I did before this past fall without squash. I remember having it on rare occasions as a kid but I've never cooked with it myself until the last few months. And I am
so glad I started trying it out! As is the man.

So tonight I made a delicious roasted acorn squash for an easy, tasty side dish. I love recipes that only call for a few, simple ingredients. Most squash can go well with spicy or sweet flavors but with acorn squash all I've tried so far is sweet, a small dusting of brown sugar. I would love to hear about the other spices you use for acorn squash though!
Roasted Acorn Squash serves 2
1 acorn squash
1 tablespoon butter
2 unpacked, spoon fulls of brown sugar
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Cut the squash in half, remove the seeds. Place half a tablespoon of butter into each half of the squash. Sprinkle one spoon full of brown sugar into each well. These spoon fulls should not be packed. If I had to estimate an actual measurement per each half I would say roughly a packed teaspoon. Place the squash in a casserole dish and cook for 45-50 minutes. Use a spoon to "baste" the squash with the butter and brown sugar mixture every 15 minutes. You just want to make sure a little bit of butter and brown sugar gets onto the edges of the squash.
What's really great about this as well is that when you take it out and start to shred it with a fork the butter and brown sugar will seep deeper into the squash, giving every bite a sweet flavor. Yum!
I too just discovered how much I love squash (as an adult). I'm particularly fond of the Acorn and Butternut squash. YUM!